
TAK as a Service.

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TAK-as-a-Service is powered by the Sit(x) platform, a PAR Government managed service offering. The Sit(x) platform operates in AWS GovCloud and, as of March 2023, is currently undergoing review for FedRAMP Authorization that is being sponsored by a Federal Agency. The Sit(x) platform is a cloud native capability that is 100% interoperable with ATAK, WinTAK, and the Government Off The Shelf TAK Server. Sit(x) is integrated with AWS Wickr blending secure messaging with situational awareness.

For TAK deployments Sit(x) has a lower total cost of ownership due to its tight coupling with services provided within AWS GovCloud. As a managed service Sit(x) can be integrated with existing identity management solutions and operated/maintained by non-technical end users. A comparison matrix is provided below highlighting the benefits of Sit(x) on AWS GovCloud relative to a traditional TAK Server on AWS GovCloud.


Feature Sit(x) on AWS GovCloud TAK Server on AWS GovCloud
New Organization Setup
About 10 minutes to onboard new organizations into the Sit(x) platform
Requires installing and configuring a new server per organization
Group Setup
Sit(x) allows users to establish groups (e.g., Training, Operations, Special Event) to organize users and their visibility to others.
Requires multiple servers, each with a specific function. Adding servers creates more administrative burden and increases cybersecurity risk
Secure Messaging
Integrated with AWS Wickr
Requires 3rd party integration
Uses AWS infrastructure to scale up and down with demand
Requires manual allocation of server resources
Device Provisioning
Automated setup process through an identity provider integration (e.g., Okta) or through email invitations
Provisioning of PKI certificates. Certificates can be automatically generated with an identity provider but results in mixing of security strategies.
Firewall rules
Standard Secure HTTP port 443. Typically already allowed
Several non-standard ports. Typically requires firewall rule updates.
Federation of Organizations
Data flow control between organizations can be completed in seconds by exchanging permissions on each org's web portal with click of a button
Requires manual exchange of certificates through email or other methods
Data Retention
Configurable policy based on agency need. Integrated with AWS Wickr to ensure secure messaging complies with policy
Automated data retention does not exist and requires custom software development and integration to adhere to organizational policy

Sit(x) Dashboard

Log into or sign up for your Sit(x) account and create groups, chat, see what groups are active, and know how many groups you are federated with. The Sit(x) service provides high levels of confidentiality, integrity, and security for all users and can instantly scale from small teams to thousands of simultaneous users when responding to a crisis situation.

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Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) was originally created by the US DoD for military applications over a decade ago. Now a Civilian version is available for use by first responders and other agencies for free. Download it now from the play store or learn more about its history at


Sit(x)™ for Android - Using TAK effectively requires a TAK Server backend connection. Sit(x) is a Next Generation TAK Server-as-a-Service solution. Hosted in the FedRAMP compliant AWS GovCloud and built by the same company that has been developing TAK for over a decade, Sit(x) an easy and intuitive user experience, allowing organizations to sign up and deploy in minutes.


Sit(x)™ for iOS is your mobile situational awareness solution for any situation. For the first time, iOS users have the ability to operate in real time on a moving map display, allowing you to visualize real time data. What started as a military software requirement for United States Special Operations Forces over a decade ago is now a commercially available piece of technology available to everyone globally.


WinTAK-CIV for Windows has a feature set similar to ATAK-CIV. Developed to run on Windows PCs and Windows Surface devices, the WinTAK user experience is consistent with Microsoft applications. it maintains the look and feel of ATAK and works seamlessly with the Sit(x) TAK Server. Download the latest approved version of WinTAK, at (requires account registration).