Mission Readiness

Synthetic Tactics & Readiness (STAR Suite) 

Offering Readiness Right Now

Among the truths the Special Operations Forces (SOF) instills in its members is,

"humans are more important than hardware."

With this in mind, PAR Government Systems Corporation (PGSC) offers readiness right now. This capability — geared for our nation's most elite tactical personnel — combines cutting-edge technology with scientifically proven learning and retention techniques, delivering training that matters. 

Synthetic Tactics and Readiness Environment (STARE)

STARC capabilities are combined with our existing technology, creating a suite of tools that can be accessed anywhere/anytime for mission critical readiness. STARE includes  Sit(x)® tactical collaboration system, GV™ FMV Visualization and Analysis Framework, Tactical Edition ROM technology, Team Awareness Kit (TAK) and plug-in technology, ArcGIS Mission Server and Mobile Apps, NINJA Counter UAS technology, Tactical Software-Defined Radio technology, and Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK).

A cellphone, tablet, and laptop all running training software.

Synthetic Tactical and Readiness Training (START)

START provides a catalog and on-demand individualized training curriculum, scenarios, products, and instruction for rapid readiness anywhere at anytime, delivered either virtually or in person. This dynamic training uses virtual and augmented reality, seamlessly delivering communication and coordination rehearsal prior to the execution of the most life-compromising missions.

Man with VR set on - technology on left, mission on right.

Who is mission readiness for?

Mission Operators

Dominate your missions with on-demand virtual training that provides rehearsal data, tactics, and intelligence for counter-terrorist operations.

Military personnel - technology on left, mission on right.


Analyze mission success using advanced tactical on-demand virtual training. Train with mission intelligence data on missions such as border interdiction.



Maximize readiness with advanced tactical training. Rehearse SOF mission scenarios and air support missions using our intelligence integrated virtual training. 

Paratrooper with ground lidar reading on left and paratroopers descending on the right.


Fight fires smarter with on-demand intelligence and data. Use Sit(x) with full motion video (FMV) to rehearse suppression strategy, rapid response, evacuation plans, and relaying coordinates.

Firefighter - technology on the left, smoke and sparks on the right.

First Responders

Respond first - safely - with advanced training for Disaster/Riot Response, SWAT, Mission Tactics, and Threat Assessment. Use Sit(x) to provide full motion video (FMV) giving you and your crew the situational awareness needed with shared reconnaissance. 

Policeman with technology on the left and cop car on the right in background.