Well known for our expertise in design and development of Situational Awareness (SA) solutions, PAR Government Systems Corporation (PGSC) focuses on mobile computing development, coupled with secure cloud server implementations. We are also a lead developer on the U.S. Government Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) initiative.
Using our experience, we developed a commercial cloud-based SA server called Sit(x)®. Recently, our focus has been on small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV), satisfying sensor control and collection requirements. While developing these solutions, we leverage our expertise in Software Define Radio (SDR) and Radio Frequency (RF) technologies. We also incorporate augmented reality, internet of things (IOT), Machine Learning (ML), and advanced navigation paradigms.

Open Source Solution Development

PGSC supports custom and open source development. We use and contribute to open source and government source solutions on many projects.


Plug-in Development

We provide support and management of plug-in architectures. For example, PGSC's support to the plug-in architectures for TAK makes it easy for third parties to enhance and extend the TAK product, including end users ability to tailor to specific use cases.


Hardware Integration

PGSC works with Android and Windows end user devices (EUDs), including associated operating systems, allowing multiple networks and peripheral devices to integrate seamlessly. Our TE-Enabler, an Android App, extends mobile SA Apps, providing interoperability between the App and external peripherals and networks. For more on TE Enabler and our ISR Kits, visit our tactical site.


Have questions? Want to learn more?

Contact our Situational Awareness Team


Contact Situational Awareness Team